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Dozens of Hoverboards Were Destroyed at Heathrow Airport

TIME : 2016/2/29 16:34:51
Hoverboard graveyard

Heathrow airport: where hoverboards go to die.

If you've ever wondered what a hoverboard graveyard would look like, Heathrow Airport in London has your answer. Dozens of the gadgets were recently destroyed after failing safety inspections at the airport. After receiving a shipment of more than $9,760 worth of imported hoverboards—about 51, in total—officers sent them all for electrical safety testing after observing several potential risks. The hoverboards were traveling from Hong Kong, but as it turned out, the majority of them didn't meet safety qualifications. So what's the best way to deal with a pile of unfit-to-ride hoverboards? Destroy them all in one go, of course.

Hoverboard graveyard
SCCN | Flickr
Hoverboard graveyard
SCCN | Flickr

The United States has been cracking down on hoverboard use because of their tendency to burst into flame—they've been banned all over the place, from airports to college campuses. (Remember that time Wiz Khalifa refused to stop riding his around LAX?) So far, hoverbaords remain legal in the U.K. (as opposed to segways, which have been banned since 2011). But not for long, if these photos have anything to say about the future of futuristic foot travel.