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Dakshinkali Temple

TIME : 2016/2/22 12:06:55
Dakshinkali Temple

Dakshinkali Temple

Located 14 miles (22 kilometers) outside Kathmandu at the southern edge of the Kathmandu Valley, Dakshinkali Temple is the most prominent temple dedicated to the goddess Kali anywhere in Nepal. Kali, also known as the Dark Mother, is the Hindu goddess of empowerment, time and change. Devotees from Kathmandu and around Nepal journey here twice a week to quench the bloodlust of this ferocious goddess.

On Tuesdays and Saturdays, un-castrated male animals, primarily goats and roosters, are brought to the temple to be sacrificed to Kali. Not for the faint of heart, a visit on these days allows you to witness the steady stream of worshippers bringing their animals to the river where they're quickly killed and butchered. The animal remains are either taken home or cooked up outside the temple in a great feast.

Non-Hindus are not permitted inside the temple itself, but you can take pictures of the exterior and shop at the stalls lining the path that leads to the temple. While the sacrifices may be startling and fascinating, they are sacred to those performing them, so it's important to be respectful and discreet when observing or taking photographs.