travel > Destinations > asia > Azerbaijan > Fazıl Labarynth

Fazıl Labarynth

TIME : 2016/2/18 16:22:13

Over a dozen close-packed grave sites from the 2nd to 7th centuries BC have been excavated but left exactly as they were found with pots, talismen and the bones of sacrificed animals in situ. One can almost 'feel' the evolution of humanity in the space of 70m as you walk through the little brick-vaulted catacomb created for the site's protection.

This place has been a lifetime endeavour for two local archaeologists, who open the site by appointment, best arranged through the Şəki tourist office. They don't speak English but each burial site has a summary title in English. The rural site is 25km southeast of Şəki. Turn south off the Oğuz road turn towards Ibrahimkənd, then left in Fazıl at Km8.1 and go 200m east. Așağı Kungut buses departing Şəki at 7am, 1pm and 5pm pass through Fazıl.

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