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Preah Khan Temple Enclosure

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:23:12

For tantalising lost-world ambience, Preah Khan can't be beaten. Covering almost 5 sq km, this temple complex (not to be confused with the temple of the same name at Angkor) is the largest temple enclosure constructed during the Angkorian period – quite a feat when you consider the competition. Wrapped by vines and trees, and thanks to its back-of-beyond location, the site is astonishingly quiet and peaceful and you'll very likely be the only visitor.

Preah Khan’s history is shrouded in mystery, but it was long an important religious site, and some structures here date back to the 9th century. Originally dedicated to Hindu deities, Preah Khan was reconsecrated to Mahayana Buddhist worship during a monumental reconstruction in the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

The entry fee covers Prasat Preah and the rest of the temples found here, including Prasat Damrei, Prasat Preah Stung and Prasat Preah Thkol.