travel > Destinations > asia > China > Yúliáng


TIME : 2016/2/17 11:38:20

Little-visited Yúliáng is a historic riverine port village on the Liàn River (练江, Liàn Jiāng). The cobbled and picturesque alley of Yuliang Jie (渔梁街) houses former transfer stations for the wood, salt and tea that plied the river; the teashop at No 87 is an example. Note the firewalls separating the houses along the road. Examine the traditional Huīzhōu arrangement of the Bāwèizǔ Museum (巴慰祖纪念馆, Bāwèizǔ Jìniànguǎn), also on Yuliang Jie.

The Lion Bridge (狮子桥, Shīzǐ Qiáo) dates to the Tang dynasty, a time when the 138m-long granite Yúliáng Dam (渔梁坝, Yúliáng Bà) across the river was first constructed. Observe how amazingly well built it is, with finely finished interlocking stones. Oarsman can take you on boats from the dam for excellent 20-minute return river trips (¥10 to ¥20).

There are rooms with lovely views at a small inn , and another similar inn two doors along. Both serve meals with dishes starting at ¥15. The innkeepers will take you into the village if you book ahead.

To reach Yúliáng, take a pedicab (¥5) from Shèxiàn’s bus station (by the bridge), or hop on bus 1, which runs to Yúliáng (¥1) from outside the bus station and also along the road opposite Shèxiàn Ancient City. The last bus back to Túnxī departs at 6pm.