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Luòbiǎo Hanging Coffins

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:39:46

There are hanging coffins found in other parts of China, but there are more in Luòbiǎo than anywhere else and they are reasonably accessible. At one time there were more than 300 hanging coffins, although a third have fallen to the ground as their support stakes have rotted away over the past 600 years.

There’s a small, free museum just inside the site entrance with old photos, burial artefacts, and a coffin. About 100m further is a large cluster of coffins on the cliff. Steps lead up to a better vantage point and a huge cave. About 2km farther is another impressive grouping right by the road, though there are many others to be spotted in the surrounding cliffs.

The area is at its most photogenic first thing in the morning as the sun rises opposite the cliffs, so consider arriving the evening before and staying the night.

To get to the coffin site, turn left out of the small Luòbiǎo bus station and walk (45 minutes); take the right fork at the black stele dedicated to Bo (心花园). Or you can catch a motorcycle taxi (¥30) to the entrance.