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City Wall

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:44:07

On the northern shore of Róng Lake , and strikingly illuminated at night, the South Gate (南门; Nán Mén) is the only surviving section of the original Song-dynasty city wall (城墙; chéng qiáng ). The area is abuzz with activity and is a good place to watch locals practising taichi, calligraphy and dancing.

About 1km north of Folded Brocade Hill (叠彩山; Diécăi Shān) is the partly reconstructed East Gate (东镇门; Dōngzhèn Mén), flanked by crumbling sections of the original wall. To reach the East Gate, take bus 1 or 2 and get off at the Dōngzhèn Lù stop, then turn right down the road of the same name. Alternatively, it’s a short walk or cycle north along the riverbank, just east of the entrance to Folded Brocade Hill.