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Qīngzhēn Dà Sì

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:48:24

Of all the mosques in Níngxià, the most hallowed is Qīngzhēn Dà Sì. Dating back to the 14th century, although the present mosque was built in 1573 and then renovated in 1791, it was the only one of Níngxià’s 1000-odd mosques to avoid the ravages of the Cultural Revolution. As such, it’s a near-perfect example of Ming- and Qing-era temple architecture. Not until you get up close and notice the crescents that top the pagoda roofs does it become apparent that it’s a mosque.

Qīngzhēn Dà Sì is on the south side of town, a ¥5 taxi ride from the bus station on Jingping Jie.