travel > Destinations > asia > China > Jǐnjiānglǐ Historic Village

Jǐnjiānglǐ Historic Village

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:53:03

The highlights in this village, 20km south of Kāipíng, are the privately run Ruìshí Lóu and Shēngfēng Lóu (升峰楼). The former (c 1923) is Kāipíng’s tallest diāolóu (historic watchtower) and comprises nine storeys, topped off with a Byzantine-style roof and a Roman dome. The latter is one of very few diāolóu that had a European architect.

In nearby Nánxìng village, Nánxìng Xié Lóu watchtower tilts severely to one side, with its central axis over 2m off-centre.