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Bidar Fort

TIME : 2016/2/17 13:00:38

Keep aside a few hours for peacefully wandering around the remnants of this magnificent 15th-century fort, the largest in South India – and once administrative capital of much of the region. Surrounded by a triple moat hewn out of solid red rock and 5.5km of defensive walls (the second longest in India), the fort has a fairy-tale entrance that twists in an elaborate chicane through three gateways.

Guides from the archaeological office have the keys to unlock the most interesting ruins within the fort. These include the Rangin Maha l (Painted Palace), with elaborate tilework, teak pillars and panels with mother-of-pearl inlay, Solah Khamba Mosque (Sixteen-Pillared Mosque), and Tarkash Mahal with exquisitive Islamic inscriptions and wonderful rooftop views. There’s a small museum in the former royal bath with local artefacts.