travel > Destinations > asia > Indonesia > Gua


TIME : 2016/2/17 12:34:12

Locals believe that caves act as mediums for communicating with the supernatural, and that entry into these sacred spaces requires a modest ritual. Hiring a guide helps in the exploration of both the physical and esoteric landscapes.

The most extensive network of caves is situated outside the village of Sengering, including the celebrated Gua Tiangko . Obsidian-flake tools found in the cave indicate that it was occupied some 9000 years ago. The caves also contain some impressive natural formations.

Sengering is 9km from Sungai Manau, on the Bangko road. Buses leave Sungai Penuh for Bangko in the mornings at 10am.

There are cave paintings in Gua Kasah , 5km southeast from Kersik Tua. There are also two cave systems, Gua Kelelawar and Gua Belang , at Talang Kemulun near Sanggaran Agung.