travel > Destinations > asia > Japan > Hokkaidō Brewery

Hokkaidō Brewery

TIME : 2016/2/17 14:04:23

A must for die-hard beer fans Hokkaidō Brewery, the current brewing and bottling facility, is housed in a mammoth production plant that looks like something out of a James Bond film. Technicians in white lab coats peer into test tubes; immaculate stainless-steel tanks are covered with computerised gauges and dials; and video cameras monitor the bottles as they whiz by.

English is minimal on the 40-minute self-guided tour, but you'll be rewarded with a refreshing 20 minutes to tipple at the end.

Admission is free, but you need to make reservations by 5pm the day before.

Hokkaidō Brewery is a 40-minute train ride from Sapporo; take the JR Chitose line towards the airport and get off at the Sapporo Beer Teien Station. By bus, take the Sapporo to Chitose bus and get off at the Sapporo Beer Hokkaido Brewery stop.