travel > Destinations > asia > Myanmar > Mahabodhi Shwegu

Mahabodhi Shwegu

TIME : 2016/2/17 15:24:12

The highlight of this squat, little-visited temple is its passageway with bas-relief illustrations of the tribumi – Buddhist visions of heaven, earth and hell – including acrobats, worshippers and animals. At the end there's a 6ft central buddha and four buddhas in niches; the throne of the former includes some erotic carvings.

Mahabodhi Shwegu is largely hidden behind shrubbery on a hilltop northeast of Ratanabon Paya. To get here, proceed up the barely discernible uphill path that starts behind the covered water well.

Directly south, Ratana San Rwe and Ratana Hman Kin , two adjacent hilltop stupas, show the fruit of recent and extensive restoration.