travel > Destinations > asia > Philippines > Caves


TIME : 2016/2/17 15:52:46

On the road to Ambasing, near the spot where the road takes a hard curve to the right (if heading downhill), you can see the Sugong hanging coffins suspended from the cliff face. A short distance further, the road forks at the Right Turn Cafe. Take the left fork, follow it for 200m and look for a path to your left that leads down to the Lumiang Burial Cave . Over 100 coffins are stacked in the entrance, the oldest believed to be about 500 years old. Many are carved with images of lizards, which are symbols of long life and fertility.

Nine hundred metres further down the road, a path leads to the exhilarating Sumaging Cave (Big Cave). You’ll need a guide to tour the cave (roughly two hours); the guide will provide a gas lantern. It’s quite slippery in parts and you’ll get wet; wear river sandals or other shoes with nonslip soles.

The king of Sagada’s cave adventures, suitable for the reasonably fit and courageous, is the cave connection , an underground passage that links Sumaging and Lumiang caves. This three- to four-hour tour is definitely not for the claustrophobic, and there’s a fair chance you’ll get to swim through some underground pools.