travel > Destinations > asia > Thailand > Phae Meuang Phi

Phae Meuang Phi

TIME : 2016/2/17 17:02:04

The name Phae Meuang Phi means Ghost-Land, a reference to these bizarre pillars of soil and rock that look like giant fungi, most likely the result of erosion, not the paranormal. The park is located approximately 18km northeast of Phrae off Rte 101; getting there by public transport is not an option. You can charter a sŏrng·tăa·ou for about 600B or talk to Khun Kung at Nok Bin for alternatives.

The area has been made a provincial park; a few walking trails and viewpoints are recent additions. There are picnic pavilions in the park and food vendors selling gài yâhng (grilled chicken), sôm·đam (papaya salad) and sticky rice near the entrance.