travel > Destinations > asia > Thailand > Phu Ruea National Park

Phu Ruea National Park

TIME : 2016/2/17 17:02:24

This 121-sq-km park is a popular place to escape the heat, offering vast views from the summit (1365m), reached by either a sŏrng·tăa·ou or a 1km footpath. For a longer hike to the top, take the easy (but usually overgrown) 2.5km trail from the lower visitor centre to 30m-tall Nam Tok Huai Phai , arguably the park's most scenic waterfall, and then keep going another 5.5km.

The park is 50km west of Loei on Rte 203 and buses can drop you in the town of Phu Ruea (55B, one hour), where you'll have to hitch or charter a truck (around 800B, including a few hours' wait) to the park itself. The summit is 8km from the highway.