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Schubert Geburtshaus

TIME : 2016/2/18 16:09:51

The house where Schubert was born in 1797, in the kitchen, was known at that time as Zum roten Krebsen (The Red Crab), but Schubert probably didn’t remember much about that – he and his family toddled off to greater things when he was five.

Apart from his trademark glasses, the house is rather short on objects. But ‘Schubertologists’ might like to trek here, especially to catch the occasional concert. Bizarrely, a couple of rooms of the house are given over to Adalbert Stifter (1805–68) and his Biedermeier paintings. Apart from being born into the same epoch (more an achievement of their mothers than the men of arts), the two men had absolutely nothing to do with each other.