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Karen Blixen Museet

TIME : 2016/2/18 17:33:35

Karen Blixen’s former home in Rungsted is now the Karen Blixen museum. Fans of her writing will appreciate how it remains much the way she left it, with photographs, Masai spears, paintings, shields and other mementoes of her time in Africa, such as the gramophone given to Blixen by her lover Denys Finch-Hatton. On her desk is the old Corona typewriter she used to write her novels.

One wing of the museum houses a library of Blixen’s books, a cafe, bookshop and an audiovisual presentation on her life. The wooded grounds, set aside as a bird sanctuary, contain Blixen’s grave , a simple stone slab inscribed with her name.

The museum is opposite the busy yacht harbour, 1.5km from the train station. Walk north up Østre Stationsvej, turn right at the lights onto Rungstedvej and then, at its intersection with Rungsted Strandvej, walk south about 300m.