travel > Destinations > europe > Finland > Siida


TIME : 2016/2/18 18:35:55

One of Finland's finest museums, Siida, a comprehensive overview of the Sámi and their environment, should not be missed. The main exhibition hall consists of a fabulous nature exhibition around the edge, detailing northern Lapland’s ecology by season, with wonderful photos and information panels. In the centre of the room is detailed information on the Sámi, from their former seminomadic existence to modern times.

In an adjacent hall is a timeline framing Sámi prehistory and history alongside other world events. Other halls have excellent temporary exhibitions.

Outside is what was the first Siida museum, a complex of mostly original buildings including farmhouses, storage huts and a courthouse, where miscreants scratched their names on the wooden walls while awaiting a likely flogging.

Back inside, a theatrette shows pretty visuals of the aurora and Inarijärvi a few times daily; there’s also a fine craft shop and a good lunch cafe.

Siida’s website is itself worth a mention: via the ‘web exhibitions’ page you can access a series of excellent pages on the Inari and Skolt Sámi cultures.