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Muuratsalon Koetalo

TIME : 2016/2/18 18:36:58

Peaceful Muuratsalo islet, connected to Säynätsalo by bridges, was Aalto’s summer retreat. On Päijänne’s shores he built his Experimental House , a must-see for Aalto lovers, but pricey if you’re not. Entrance is by guided tour pre-arranged by phone or email (the Alvar Aalto Museo or Jyväskylä tourist office can do this). Take bus 16 (€5.50, 40 minutes) from central Jyväskylä to the end of the route; the house is 500m further.

You first see his beloved boat, Nemo Propheta in Patria (‘Nobody is a Prophet in their Homeland’) on terra firma: it was never very seaworthy. Then it’s the lakeside sauna and house itself. Aalto used the charming patio to try out various types and patterns of bricks and tiles to see how they looked in different seasons and how they weathered.

The interior is surprisingly small; it’s cool and colourful. A guest wing is perched on timber and stones (another playful experiment). You can well imagine Aalto looking out over the beautiful, peaceful lake and pondering his designs.