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Máta Stud Farm

TIME : 2016/2/18 20:12:53

Staged it may be, but the puszta show at the 300-year-old Máta Stud Farm, 3km north of the village, is Hungarian. During the 1½-hour program you (and about 50 others) ride in a horse-drawn wagon train across the prairie, making stops to peer into the pens of racka sheep, see great grey cattle grazing, witness a semi-wild herd of horses herded past and watch Hungarian csikósok perform tricks. A csikós riding full gallop five-in-hand – standing balanced on the back of the two rear horses, with three more reined in front – is something to see. To get to the stud on foot, cross the train tracks from the station and find the path through the brush (to the right). This well-worn track through the fields, over the river and past the Hortobágy Club Hotel cuts the walk to 1.5km, down from 3km if you follow the road.