travel > Destinations > europe > Iceland > Þórbergssetur


TIME : 2016/2/18 20:28:20

This cleverly crafted museum (its inspired exterior looks like a shelf of books) pays tribute to the most famous son of this sparsely populated region – writer Þórbergur Þórðarson (1888–1974), who was born at Hali in Suðursveit. Þórbergur was a real maverick (with interests spanning yoga, Esperanto and astronomy), and his first book Bréf til Láru (Letter to Laura) caused huge controversy because of its radical socialist content.

Þórbergssetur also functions as a kind of cultural centre, with changing art exhibitions, and a quality cafe-restaurant where the speciality is Arctic char (dinner mains Ikr2900-5500). There's a cluster of accommodation surrounding it.