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Museo Regionale

TIME : 2016/2/18 20:52:21

Messina's considerable art collection is held here. The most famous work is the San Gregorio (St Gregory) polyptych by local boy Antonello da Messina (1430–79). Although in pretty shabby condition, its five panels are wonderfully figurative. There are also two splendid works by Caravaggio (1571–1610): L'Adorazione dei pastori (Adoration of the Shepherds) and Risurrezione di Lazzaro (Resurrection of Lazarus).

Another highlight is Madonna con bambino e santi (Virgin with Child and Saints), by Antonello da Messina.

To get here, pick up a tram at Piazza Cairoli and take a ride up the sickle-shaped harbour. Halfway along, you'll see the 16th-century Fontana del Nettuno (Neptune's Fountain) in the middle of two busy roads, and the colossal golden statue, the Madonnino del Porto , towering over the port. Carry on to the end of the line for the Museo Regionale.