travel > Destinations > europe > Monaco > Jardin Exotique

Jardin Exotique

TIME : 2016/2/18 22:49:18

Home to the world’s largest succulent and cactus collection, from small echinocereus to 10m-tall African candelabras, the gardens tumble down the slopes of Moneghetti through a maze of paths, stairs and bridges. Views of the principality are spectacular. Admission includes the Musée d'Anthropologie , which displays prehistoric remains unearthed in Monaco, and a 35-minute guided tour of the Grotte de l’Observatoire . The prehistoric, stalactite- and stalagmite-laced cave is bizarre: it's the only cave in Europe where the temperature rises as you descend. Bus 2 links Jardin Exotique with the town centre.