travel > Destinations > europe > Sweden > Laponia


TIME : 2016/2/19 0:33:42

Established in 1996, the vast Laponia stretches for 9400 sq km, comprising the mountains, forests and marshlands of Padjelanta, Sarek, Stora Sjöfallet and Muddus national parks. Unusually for a World Heritage Area, it’s recognised both for its cultural wealth and its natural wealth. Laponia encompasses ancient reindeer-grazing grounds of both the Mountain and the Forest Sami, whose seven settlements and herds of around 50,000 reindeer are located here.

The Sami still lead relatively traditional lives, following the reindeer during their seasonal migrations. The Mountain Sami winter in the forests, where there is lichen for their herds, and move into the mountains in summer, while their Forest counterparts follow their herds through the forests year-round.