travel > Destinations > europe > Turkey > Church of St Thekla

Church of St Thekla

TIME : 2016/2/19 2:44:26

This Christian site is dedicated to Saint Thekla, one of Saint Paul's early devotees. Thekla is said to have spent her later years here, trying to convert the locals of Seleucia to Paul's teachings. Having ruffled the feathers of local healers, they decided to kill her, but on their arrival at her cave she vanished into thin air.

The very atmospheric though modest church carved out of the cave where she lived is an important pilgrimage site.

In the 5th century a large basilica was built on the grassy knoll above the cave, but only an incisor-like chunk of the apse is still standing.

The church is signposted off the D400 highway, 3km southwest of Silifke. Any dolmuş travelling between Taşucu and Silifke can drop you at the turn-off, from where it's a 1km walk to the site.