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TIME : 2016/2/18 10:27:01

At MoMA's hip contemporary outpost in a converted schoolhouse, you'll be peering at videos through floorboards, schmoozing at DJ parties, and debating the meaning of nonstatic structures while staring through a hole in the wall. Exhibitions explore everything from Middle Eastern video art to giant mounds of thread, often installed specifically at the space.

On Saturday afternoons from July to early September, PS1 hosts Warm Up, one of New York's coolest weekly music/culture events. It's a hit with everyone from verified hipsters to plugged-in music geeks. The tunes are the main attraction, with a stellar line-up of top bands, experimental music and DJs each week. It's like one big block party, albeit with better music and art than your usual neighborhood slap-up. Linked to the fun is the annual YAP (Young Architects Program) competition; the winner transforms the courtyard with creative shade structures for the summer.

In cooler weather, Sunday Sessions (3pm to 5pm) are a series of lectures, film screenings, experimental comedy, postindustrial noise jams and more.

On the top floor is Meeting, one of light artist James Turrell's earliest installations; it was closed for renovation at last visit, but is worth seeking out (open after 3pm) when it's back.