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Loggerhead Marinelife Center

TIME : 2016/2/18 10:29:01

At this turtle rehabilitation center you can view recovering sea turtle patients in specially designed outdoor tanks and see surgeons at work in the operating theatre. Volunteers standby turtle tanks with information on their charges: how they sustained their injuries, how they're healing and whether they're good or grumpy patients. It's a privilege to see and learn at such close quarters. All five species - greens, hawksbills, Kemp's ridleys, leatherbacks and loggerheads - frequent the waters off Juno Beach and around 70-80 turtles are treated here and returned to the wild annually.

The center runs a whole host of educational programs, leads ecotours ($35) and hammock hikes through the dune system ($5), tells Hatchling Tales to younger kids (10.30am on Wednesday) and offers guided turtle walks (by reservation/walk-ins $17/20; Wed-Sat evenings) in June and July.