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L Ron Hubbard House

TIME : 2016/2/18 11:03:16

For three years (1957–60) the father of the Church of Scientology occupied this rather handsome Dupont house, working on developing his own religion for the masses. Today, Hubbard’s old house is something of a shrine for scientologists from around the world. OK, OK: we know Scientology has become a bit of a straw man in recent years, an easy word association with ‘kooky, ’ but it’s also a religion with millions of adherents, and said worshippers take this place pretty seriously. We’re not saying you have to, but if the spirit moves you (as it were), this is the Scientology equivalent of Bethlehem, or something close to it. This is also where the Founding Church of Scientology, which still holds services, was established.