travel > Destinations > north america > Canada > Engine 374 Pavilion

Engine 374 Pavilion

TIME : 2016/2/19 4:00:39

In Vancouver's history, 23 May 1887 is an auspicious date. It was the day when Engine 374 pulled the first transcontinental passenger train into the fledgling city, symbolically linking the country and kick-starting the eventual metropolis. Retired in 1945, the engine was (after many years of neglect) finally restored and placed in this lovely pavilion. Drop by for a chat with the friendly volunteers.

Administered by the West Coast Railway Heritage Park in Squamish (a good excursion for rail buffs), the engine is kept in sparkling condition and is occasionally wheeled out onto the outside turntable, part of the beautifully restored roundhouse building that recalls Yaletown's gritty rail history.