travel > Destinations > north america > Mexico > Grutas del Coconá

Grutas del Coconá

TIME : 2016/2/18 9:56:45

At the Grutas del Coconá , 4km northeast of the center, a well-made concrete path leads 500m into a cavern with pools, bats, plenty of stalactites and stalagmites, and a small museum containing pre-Hispanic ritual items found in the cave. Listen for the roar of howler monkeys at the cave entrance. Bring a flashlight or be prepared to pay an additional M$50 for a guide to turn on the cavern lights. Guides can also be hired to explore undeveloped caves nearby. Combis marked ‘Grutas’ (M$5.50, 10 minutes) will take you there every half-hour from Bastar beside Teapa’s central church.