travel > Destinations > south america > Bolivia > La Senda Verde Refugio Natural

La Senda Verde Refugio Natural

TIME : 2016/2/19 14:32:42

This 12-hectare animal refuge is located just 500m north of Yolosa (B$40 taxi or B$10 minibus). You can volunteer here (two-week minimum) for B$1370 per week, including three meals, stay overnight , or simply head over for an hour-long tour. The refuge provides a sanctuary for animals that have been rescued from illegal traffickers. Reservations are required, children under 10 are not admitted.

At Senda Verde, there's a new concept: the humans are 'caged' while most of the 120+ monkeys run free – protecting human and monkey alike (adult monkeys can be aggressive, and sick humans can infect their simian cousins). Toucans, caimans, Andean bears, ocelots and margays are among the other wild residents. There’s a nice buffet-style restaurant onsite.