travel > Destinations > south america > Brazil > Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros

Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros

TIME : 2016/2/19 14:42:32

This spectacular national park in the highest area of the Central West showcases the unique landscape and flora of high-altitude cerrado across 650 sq km of pristine beauty. With high waterfalls, raging canyons, natural swimming pools and oasis-like stands of wine palms, the park is a popular destination for ecotourists.

Guides are no longer required to visit the park, but are highly recommended. Private guides can be organized at the visitors’ center, through the local guide association, ACV-CV, or at hotels in Alto Paraíso or São Jorge. At time of research, the park was free, but there was talk of re-implementing the admission charges that were dropped in 2013.