travel > Destinations > south america > Colombia > Taganga


TIME : 2016/2/22 10:15:24


Taganga is a sleepy fishing village and beach town near the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Tayrona National Parks. The view from Taganga’s coast is spectacular, as are the sunsets. The small town has just a few paved roads and the rest are dusty - or muddy – depending on the season.

Taganga is next to the stunning Tayrona National Park, though it’s a bit of a trek getting there. If you’re interested in visiting the beaches at Tayrona, it takes an hour by bus to get to the park, followed by a couple of hours of hiking through the national park to get to a beach. Another option is to get a boat directly from Taganga to the beaches of Tayrona.

Both diving and getting a diving certification are inexpensive, which draws diving enthusiasts to Taganga. Many of the activities that can be booked in Santa Marta can also be booked from Tayrona. This is the place to head out not only to The Lost City and Tayrona National Park, but also farther east to La Guajira. Or go take a short hike over one of Taganga’s hills to Playa Grande.

With a number of beach bars and a few discos, the nightlife is often considered to be better in Taganga than Santa Marta, attracting both Colombians and foreigners. Even if your travels take you away from the town during the day, head back to Taganga in time to watch the sunset and join the rumba (party) on the beach.

Practical Info

One of the easiest ways to get from Santa Marta to Taganga, which is 15 minute ride, is by taxi. Since the taxis have no meters, make sure to agree on a price before you get in the taxi. There are also buses that take you from downtown Santa Marta.