travel > Destinations > south america > Peru > Laguna Azul

Laguna Azul

TIME : 2016/2/19 15:45:58

Also called Laguna de Sauce, this popular local spot is reached by crossing the Río Huallaga, 45km away, on a vehicle raft ferry and continuing by car for another 45 minutes. Day tours (S85 per person, minimum two people) and overnight excursions are available. You’ll find good swimming, boating and fishing here, and accommodations, ranging from camping to upscale bungalows, are available. There are also a couple of waterfalls nearby and some fairly undeveloped thermal springs, just after the river crossing.

Several combis (S15, two hours) go each day to nearby Sauce from a bus stop on Marginal Sur cuadra 7 in the Banda de Shilcayo district, east of the town. Taxi drivers know it.