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The advantages of tipis

TIME : 2016/3/18 14:34:53
Tipis are enjoying something of a renaissance. There are lots of simple designs which have stood the test of times and the modern tipi is remarkably similar to the types which were used hundreds of years ago and tipis are no different. The same can be said for other ancient forms of temporary and semi-permanent accommodation including yurts. It is no wonder that tipis have aged so well; their design is so effective that even modern, high tech products do not put them to shame. Here are just some of the advantages of these versatile items:

When it comes to tipis one major benefit is that they are innately capable of withstanding strong winds. The conical shape of a tipi allows it to withstand very high winds. The simplicity also means that the interior stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Tipis are inherently well ventilated and are therefore a popular option. You can even light a fire inside one for extra warmth safely.

Tipis are excellent from a practical perspective as they are very easy to put up when compared to other types of tents. The process of erection is relatively straightforward and consequently camp can be set up much quicker than with many alternatives. This may not seem important but imagine trying to put a tent up after a long journey in windy and rainy weather. In other words tipis are much more convenient - which is a major consideration.

All in all tipis are naturally weatherproof, more comfortable and more straightforward to erect than many alternatives so they are certainly worth considering.

Where can I find a supplier of high quality tipis?

Tipis are best sought from a specialist supplier with no shortage of experience and an excellent reputation in the industry. One company which is well established and has a reputation that is second to none can be found by taking a look at The website is home to a firm which sells tipis and yurts as well as a range of other high quality tents so why not pay a visit today? < a href="">Tipis are in such high demand as they are so resilient and reliable and can withstand even the harshest conditions. If you are looking for the loveliest < a href=" ">yurts then we have all you require at