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How To Find The Best Camping Showers

TIME : 2016/3/18 14:35:52
The best camping showers are made to last, which makes them worth the bit of extra money you'll pay for them. The issue, however, is that you may thing you're getting a great option when you're actually paying for something that doesn't really live up to what you really need. There are bag showers, tankless showers, battery operated showers, and more - so many options, in fact, that you may have difficulty choosing if you've never bought a camp shower before!

Instead of randomly purchasing whatever camp shower happens to look good, it's a good idea to learn about different possible types. Here are four basic options for camp showers for the campground:

Propane Showers
When you want the comforts of home at a campground, propane camping showers are absolutely the best option. They're heavy, but some can also pull double-duty as camping stoves, giving you less gear to haul to the campground. Normally, these portable showers include a propane-powered heater and a battery-powered pump to get water to the shower head. The water passes through a propane heating coil on its way to the shower head, and it can heat water up to a hundred degrees instantly in most cases! The best propane showers include fine controls and are easy to use.

Battery Powered Showers
These showers are like propane showers minus the propane portion! Their battery powered pumps move water through a hose to a shower heat, but they don't actually heat the water. You can get a cold shower from a nearby stream, or heat water in a bucket in the sun all day for a lukewarm shower in the evening. The best camping showers for these are durable, easy to use, and compact.

Tankless Showers
These types of showers are best for garden hoses and RV and camping cabins with internal plumbing systems. They heat water, but they can't pump it like a battery powered pump, which means they need to hook up to a source of water pressure - like a garden hose or everyday plumbing system. These showers are usually either self-standing or can be hung from the branch of a nearby tree. These should be able to heat water quickly.

Solar Showers
If you don't want to haul a lot with you on your camping trip, a solar shower is a fantastic option. It won't get your water super hot, especially on a cloudy day, since it depends on solar power to warm the water in the shower bag. However, they're easy to use. Fill the bag, let it warm in the sun, and take a shower by hanging it from a pole or branch. These showers come in small to large sizes, and some even hold enough water for three showers. Look for the extra features that make these showers more user friendly: easy to handle nozzles, extra insulation, and pockets for your soap! Now that you know a little about the different types of camping showers available, you'll want to compare the different models & brands. Visit where you'll find side-by-side comparisons of all the latest models.