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Popular drinks in Bali: Es Campur

TIME : 2016/2/25 13:56:49

Es campur (mixed ice) is a favourite Indonesian drink. At festivals, markets and other places where locals gather, you might see a stall selling es campur. The drink is made by placing shaved ice into a cup together with multi-colored jelly items, coconut, chocolate sauce and other items. Locals love the drink, tourists find it rather strange, but its worth a try.

Es Campur recipe:

•200 gram tepung sagu (wheat sago)
•3 tetes perwarna merah (3 drops red color)
•10 buah bangkuang, potong dadu ½ cm (white fruit, chop into squares)
•1 liter air untuk merebus (boil 1 liter of water)
•1 bungkus (7gram) agar-agar bubuk warna hijau (green jelly powder)
•2 lembar daun jeruk (pieces of orange leaf)
•500 ml air (water)
•500 gram daging buah kelapa muda, keruk kasar (young coconut, spoon into big chunks)
•100 ml sirop grenadin (grenadin syrup)
•250 ml santan kental, dari ½ butir kelapa parut, panaskan (boil thick coconut milk)
•es batu serut (shaved ice)


•Aduk tepung maizena dan pewarna merah hingga rata. (mix maize with the red color) Lumuri water chestnut dengan tepung maizena berwarna merah hingga rata. (put in water chesthuts, cover water chestnut with red colored maize).
•Boil water, after boiled put the buah bangkuang in till it floats.
•Angkat, rendam dalam air dingin matang. Sisihkan. (lift the bangkuang and sink it in cold water, put aside for a while.
•Aduk agar-agar bubuk, daun jeruk, dan air. (mix the jelly powder, the orange leaf and water. )
•Didihkan hingga agar-agar larut. ( boil the mix of the jelly powder).
•Angkat, tuang ke dalam volume 500 ml yang sudah dibasahi air. (after boil then you lift it and pour it into 500ml ) Biarkan membeku. (let it freeze).
•Potong agar-agar hijau beku bentuk dadu 1 cm. Sisihkan. (cut the green frozen jelly and make it square 1cm size and put it aside.
•Dalam mangkok-mangkok saji, taruh 2 sdm bangkuang, 2 sdm agar-agar hijau, 2 sdm kelapa muda, 1 sdm sirop grenadin, 50 ml santan. Beri es serut. Sajikan. (in the bowl, put 2 spoon of bangkuang, 2 spoons of green jelly , 2 spoons of young coconut, 1 spoon grenadine syrup, 50ml coconut milk and give the shaved ice and serve.)

Sirop grenadin adalah sirop yang dibuat dari buah delima. Aromanya yang khas dan bewarna merah. Dijual dalam kemasan botolan. (grenadine syrup is made from delima fruit, has special pleasant aroma, and red color, usually sold in a bottle.

Untuk 5 mangkuk. (for 5 bowls).