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Next US President, made in Indonesia

TIME : 2016/2/25 14:01:33

That title is a bit of a stretch, designed more to catch attention, than to pursued. As many people know, a Democratic candidate for the US Presidency, Barack Obama, spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, studying at schools in Jakarta. I look forward to saying “Apa kabar Ba Pak President?” someday.

According to reports, young Barack, or Barry as he was known, learned to speak Bahasa Indonesia in no time and was a star in his school. The other day while chatting with Chimene from California, we both agreed that no amount of money, could persuade either of us to want to be President of the US. Way to much stress, and frankly B.S. to deal with, on a daily basis. For Obama, the B.S. has already started. As the Chicago Tribune reports, his connection with Indonesia, is being used to stir up emotional connections with Islam / terrorism.

Having a President who is multi-cultural in his family background and upbringing, can only be healthy. Look at the current leadership’s world view, and see how skewed that is. Here in Bali, I have not heard anyone mention Barack Obama, although I think he might of been on the news.

From what I’ve read about Obama in the press, he seems sharp and articulate. I think he’ll make a great President some time in the future, but probably won’t get in this next time.