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Honda motorbike ads in Indonesia

TIME : 2016/2/25 14:11:07

You’ve got to love Indonesia, for having absolutely no self conciousness, when it comes to advertising. We’ve all seen the small warungs with ‘bloody cold beer’ and ‘chicken gordon blue’. Check out Honda’s website, for some hilarious examples of how to use the English language.

Take a look at how Honda is marketing to your ‘mature and brave identity’. Anyone fancy a SupraX 125, that provides ‘speeding and unsteady impression’? Or how about the MegaPro, a ‘true masculine motorcycle‘.

Honda are not finished there! In fact they are just warming to the task. I don’t know who they hired to write the text on their website, but I hope his bakso stand is going well. The Supra X 125R has wheels in the ‘style of gallant racing motorcycle’. Most people here in Bali ride Honda’s. They seem to be the most reliable bikes and shopping on their website adds to the enjoyment.

Terima kasih Honda!