travel > Travel Story > Asia > Thailand > M.R. Kukrit's Heritage Home, Bangkok

M.R. Kukrit's Heritage Home, Bangkok

TIME : 2016/2/24 18:25:21

It’s not every day that you get the chance to look around a former prime minister’s residence, so if you are interested in traditional Thai culture and looking for somewhere off the main Bangkok tourist trail, head over to M.R. Kukrit’s Heritage Home (also known as Baan Suan Phlu). And what a beautiful place it is with the pavilions, open verandas and gardens standing out as an oasis of tradition amidst the very modern environs of Bangkok. This collection of traditional Thai buildings has been registered by the Department of Fine Arts as a site of historic significance and is described as a ‘House of Important Person’. Despite this lofty title the house still retains the feel and intimacy of a family home rather than a museum. Although the owner passed away in 1995, the residence has been deliberately kept just as if M.R. Kukrit Pramoj was still alive and living here.

There are some similarities to and the display board at the entrance, the house is open every day from 10.00 – 16.00. The grounds do sometimes host private functions and weddings so it’s worth checking beforehand to ensure the house is open to visitors.

Please respect the areas of the house where you need to remove your shoes (there are signs in Thai and English). I visited independently, but English-speaking guides are available on request (contact the in advance).