travel > Destinations > asia > China > Temple of the Town God

Temple of the Town God

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:40:54

Chinese towns traditionally had a Taoist temple of the town god, but many fell victim to periodic upheaval. Originally dating to the early 15th century, this particular temple was badly damaged during the Cultural Revolution and later restored. Note the fine carvings on the roof as you enter the main hall, which is dedicated to Huo Guang, a Han-dynasty general, flanked by rows of effigies representing both martial and civil virtues.

Exit the hall north and peek into the multifaith hall on your right, which is dedicated to three female deities: Guanyin (Buddhist), Tianhou and Yanmu Niangniang (Taoist). Gazing fiercely over offerings of fruit from the rear Chengghuang Hall is the red-faced and bearded town god himself. Also note the Tàisuì Hall where worshippers pay respects to divine figures representing each year of the Chinese zodiac. Within the temple grounds is a small restaurant that serves vegetarian noodles (素面; sùmiàn ) for ¥8.