travel > Destinations > asia > China > Yúnfēng Shān

Yúnfēng Shān

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:41:21

A Taoist mountain dotted with 17th-century temples and monastic retreats, Yúnfēng Shān is 47km north of Téngchōng. It’s possible to take a cable car, close to the top from where it’s a 20-minute walk to Dàxióng Bǎodiàn (大雄宝殿), a temple at the summit. Lǔzǔ Diàn (鲁祖殿), the temple second from the top, serves up solid vegetarian food at lunchtime. It’s a quick walk down but it can be hard on the knees. You can walk up the mountain in about 2½ hours.

To get to the mountain, go to Huoshan Lu in Téngchōng and catch a bus to Gùdōng (¥15), and then a microbus from there to the turn-off (¥10). From the turn-off you have to hitch, or you could take the lovely walk past the village of Hépíng (和平) to the pretty villages just before the mountain. From the parking lot a golf cart (¥5) takes you to the entrance. Hiring a vehicle from Téngchōng for the return trip will cost about ¥300 to ¥350.