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Dzongsar Monastery

TIME : 2016/2/17 11:42:41

About 1km northwest of town is the Drigungpa-school Dzongsar Monastery. A short but steep climb brings you up to a monastery located on a jagged slope; the name of the place soon becomes clear – the monastery is a converted dzong . It's home to 30 friendly monks, and if they're not too busy they may invite you into their quarters for a spot of Tibetan tea.

Apart from the usual statues of Guru Rinpoche and Sakyamuni inside the main assembly hall, there is a two-armed standing Chenresig, as well as the founder of the Drigung school, Jikten Sumgon (and his golden footprints). On the left side of the hall, look out for the picture of the 13th Dalai Lama with his dog resting by his feet.

Below the hall in a protector chapel is an icon of Abchi, the white female protector of the region.