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Iswari Minar Swarga Sal

TIME : 2016/2/17 13:02:13

Piercing the skyline near the City Palace is the unusual Iswari Minar Swarga Sal. The minaret was erected in the 1740s by Jai Singh’s son and successor Iswari, who later ignominiously killed himself by snakebite (in the Chandra Mahal) rather than face the advancing Maratha army – his 21 wives and concubines then did the necessary noble thing and committed jauhar (ritual mass suicide by immolation) on his funeral pyre. You can spiral to the top of the minaret for excellent views over the Old City.

The entrance is around the back of the row of shops fronting Chandpol Bazaar – take the alley 50m west of the minaret along the bazaar or go via the Atishpol entrance to the City Palace compound, 150m east of the minaret.