travel > Destinations > north america > United States of America > Trung Tam Phat Giao Van Hanh Temple

Trung Tam Phat Giao Van Hanh Temple

TIME : 2016/2/18 10:56:58

To see where New Orleans Vietnamese work and play, you need to drive a little ways out of the city proper. Although many Vietnamese refugees were Catholic, Vietnamese religion has always been pretty syncretic, and there were many Buddhists among the boat people. In New Orleans East, the Trung Tam Phat Giao Van Hanh temple suffered severe damage during the storm but was rapidly rebuilt by its congregation; further south, the Chua Bo De temple is about 25 minutes outside of the city near English Turn golf course. Both temples are typically Vietnamese Buddhist structures, filled with Chinese-style bodhisattvas (Buddhist saints), photos of and offerings to dead ancestors, and lots of red and gold in the color scheme. You don’t have to call ahead before visiting, but it may be polite to do so (plus, you can check if the temples are open).