travel > Travel Story > Asia > Indonesia > Bali weather: Sept 5th 2007

Bali weather: Sept 5th 2007

TIME : 2016/2/25 13:47:58

baliWeather in Seminyak today was sunny for the most part, with 1 or 2 dark clouds drifting over to remind us us that the wet season will show up again someday. Hopefully we will have a couple more months of lovely sunny weather with cool mornings and evenings.

In the last week the night time humidity has risen a couple of notches. I had almost forgotten what sweating felt like and figure I’m in for a big shock when November rolls around. Here is the 10 day weather forecast for Bali.

If you are coming out to Bali in the near future be sure to bring a hat with you, as there are no decent sun hats here. You can get sunscreen at every Circle K.