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Schapelle angers Michelle Leslie with book comments

TIME : 2016/2/25 14:09:40

Schapelle Corby, the Australian beauty therapist, serving a 20 year sentence in Bali for drug important, has angered model Michelle Leslie, with comments made in her book.

Corby’s book, My Story, tells her side of how she wound up in jail, and life since then. During that time, her list of jail mates has been extensive, including Bali Bombers, Amrozi and Co., the Bali Nine and Australian model, Michelle Leslie.

Life is stranger than fiction, and seeing lovely Michelle, handcuffed to Raging Bull, Renae Lawrence, one might of felt it was a Greek tragedy, being played out, in the Island of the Gods. Michelle found a Solution, Schapelle did not. Schapelle wrote a book, claiming Michelle made certain statements in the privacy of her cell. Of course Michelle denies any comments made.

Two lovely ladies, one jail, two different endings. What can you say, except one of them had access to a big pot of cash, and the other didn’t. Michelle also was smart to say nothing to the media, and play ball with those in charge, unlike Schapelle, who’s media circus rivalled an Ali fight.

Best of luck to both of them.