travel > Destinations > south america > Brazil > Museu das Culturas Dom Bosco

Museu das Culturas Dom Bosco

TIME : 2016/2/19 14:39:55

Built on the site of a bororo burial ground, this superb museum is divided into two parts. One is a collection of over 10,000 insects and stuffed flora and fauna, while the other is a visually striking, unmissable introduction to the indigenous people of the Mato Grosso region, with subtly-lit underfloor and suspended-glass displays showcasing shaman paraphernalia, weaponry, everyday tools, splendid adornments made of feathers and funerary objects. The enlarged black-and-white photos are almost equally striking.

Look out for xavante coming-of-age ritual objects, elaborate clay figures illustrating the creation myth of the karajá , gorgeous macaw feather headdresses of the bororo and the rare funerary masks of the peoples from the Ulaupés River.